Showing 1–16 of 21 results
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Ambuja OPC 53 Cement for a fact, was the first distributor to introduce OPC 53 grade of cement to the fore. Therefore Ambuja can unquestionably convey a sense of reliability along with an age old understanding of construction work. What also Ambuja OPC 53 Cement can impart is the ideal strength to structures in abundance. Ambuja cement comes a in premium…
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Ambuja OPC 53 Cement?for a fact, was the first distributor to introduce?OPC 53 grade of cement?to the fore. Therefore Ambuja can unquestionably convey a sense of reliability along with an age old understanding of construction work. What also?Ambuja OPC 53 Cement?can impart is the ideal strength to structures in abundance. Ambuja cement?comes a in premium…
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The Company also produces Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) which is much in demand for its extra strength and fineness. It is ideal for all kinds of construction jobs and concrete components production. OPC has three grades that we produce, that are differentiated by their compressive strengths, expressed in mega pascals (“MPa”), as specified by the…
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